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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Manajemen Mimpi Bersama Bussines Management

                Pilihan adalah sebuah kebijaksanaan. Langkah – langkah awal menentukan kehidupan yang akan kita jalani di masa depan. Sekali kita salah memilih atau terjebak di dalamnya, maka runtuhlah kisah kehidupan yang telah kita bangun dengan bersusah payah.
                Kehidupan di zaman modern, tentu berbeda jauh dengan era di masa lampau. Kehidupan mulai beralih dari zaman primitif menuju era persaingan yang lebih kompetitif. Generasi muda penerus bangsa adalah harapan dan potensi masa depan kelak bersinar lebih terang dari sebelumnya. Tentu dalam hal ini penjurusan – ataupun jurusan universitas – bagi anak yang telah menyelesaikan pendidikan di SMA - yang akan dipilih akan memberikan dampak  bagi masa depan mereka. Era 21 telah menyediakan banyak pilihan bagi calon kompetitor tersebut untuk menempuh jurusan sebagai jalan meraih cita – cita yang ingin dicapai. Dalam hal tersebut, tentu nama besar sebuah fakultas maupun instansi terkait menjadi pertimbangan setiap individu dalam menentukan pilihannya. Kondisi psikologis anak muda yang masih labil terkadang mempersulit keadaan untuk memutuskan jurusan yang ingin diambil. Dalam hal ini, pengaruh dari Orang Tua – Keluarga maupun teman sekitar mengambil peran penting dalam membantu individu tersebut memilih Jurusan yang diinginkannya.
                Berbagai macam jenis Jurusan yang tersedia sebagaimana adanya telah menyediakan jalan lebar untuk menggapai segala angan dan cita. Memang, Jurusan IT dan Informatika (ICT) masih menjadi primadona bagi sebagian orang yang menganggap bahwa keahlian teknologi dinilai penting untuk menghadapi era globalisasi. Sebagai pembanding bahwa tersedia 58% dari seluruh lapangan kerja dengan nilai berkisar 9 juta orang tiap tahun yang dibutuhkan bekerja dengan keahlian di bidang IT dan Informatika. Hal ini sangatlah kontras bila di bandingkan dengan jumlah lulusan di bidang IT dan Informatika yang jumlahnya lebih dari 12 juta orang tiap tahunnya. Tak heran jika kita masih sering melihat lulusan S-1 khususnya ICT di Jakarta masih menganggur dan bahkan menjadi penjual bakso keliling. Seiring meningkatnya pengangguran dan fakta menarik tersebut, tentu membuat kita lebih bijaksana akan memandang masa depan dengan akal sehat. Memang benar dan bijaksana mengambil jurusan sesuai dengan minat dan bakat yang dimiliki, akan tetapi menganalisis fakta yang ada, Bussines Management lah yang sebenarnya berpotensi untuk menjadi pondasi kokoh di masa depan. Inovasi dan Kreasi dari setiap individu dapat memaksimalkan Ilmu yang didapat untuk berkembang dan diaplikasikan secara maksimal. Kekuatan Entrepeneurship adalah salah satu batu kokoh penopang dan penegak ekonomi dalam usaha ataupun pekerjaan yang dirintis di masa depan. Dengan ilmu Management dan Entrepreneurship terbentuklah individu yang kritis serta peka terhadap situasi dan kondisi lingkungannya. Individu yang telah memiliki jiwa Entrepeneurship dapat menempatkan dirinya se - fleksibel mungkin untuk menemukan kesempatan dan peluang yang tersedia dalam kegiatan bisnis. Pekerjaannya pun tidak melulu terpaku dengan pola ataupun pattern yang dapat memberikan efek bosan sehingga hasil pekerjaan yang didapat kurang maksimal. Justru dari mental Entrepeneurship ini lah yang dapat mengkreasikan ide inovatif untuk membuka lapangan pekerjaan bagi orang lain yang nantinya berdampak positif bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitarnya. Kesuksesan seorang Entrepeneur pun dapat dijadikan inspirasi dan motivasi bagi masyarakat sekitar untuk mempunyai semangat dan jiwa yang kompetitif pula. Hal ini lah yang dapat dijadikan sebagai pendidikan sosial untuk mencapai kehidupan yang lebih baik.
                Sedemikian rupa lika – liku yang perlu di tempuh demi sebuah kesuksesan. Jurusan adalah sebuah pilihan yang akan berpengaruh pada masa depan kita kelak. Bussines Management, Jurusan Favoritku, di Universitas Impianku.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Tentang Wanita - Wanita Sahabatku

Kutulis tentang para wanita sahabatku
Satu persatu
Dalam diri mereka kutemukan jiwaku
Tragedi mereka adalah peristiwa dahsyat bagiku

Kutulis tentang para wanita sahabatku
Tentang penjara yang menghisap umur narapidana
Tentang zaman yang dilipat dalam kertas dan pena
Tentang pintu - pintu tertutup
Tentang keinginan yang terpasung
Tentang ribuan wanita syahid terkubur tanpa nama

Darahku terbungkus dalam bingkisan tertutup berlapis emas
Sejarah dimanipulasi
Kesaksian dikebiri
Sekumpulan ikan terluka dalam kolamnya

Kutulis tentang para wanita sahabatku
Tentang darah yang menetes dari langkah kaki nan jelita
Tentang kegelisahan, kebingungan, nestapa
dan malam sunyi penuh rintihan
Tentang pasar - pasar yang hilang terkubur
Tentang lingkaran kehampaan dan perjalanan menuju sirna
Tentang kematian perlahan - lahan
Aku mati saat kehidupan disemaikan
Seperti anggur yang terkurung dalam gelas kaca

Disarangnya burung - burung mati tanpa suara...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Essay FAO Competition 2011

Values’ Spark built The Stability

21st century period had made us changed and changed. So many accidents and moments at past threat out our minds, forced us to make a real steps to be better and better than before. The technology made us easier to do the real act. Actually, not all could feel the beneficial of Globalization era. There are some persons who exploited this one without considering about the others. Just about themselves and themselves. Let’s think about poverty and malnutrition that usual happen in developing country. How surprised us about the facts that shows the balance of prosperity. Our earth has provides all of the resources to fulfill the humans’ wants and needs. But in fact, nowadays, Human haven’t been able yet to take care and exploited well. It is hazardous, isn’t it? Logically, by our heart, human’s right is the best reason why it should be solved. How to make it same and fair. Stability is a key.

Stability is constant conditions that have mutual relationship among the others, there will be no suffered. The prosperity is same and fair. Stability makes a conducive situation that will able to be used as the solution by the crisis to get the stabiles conditions. Let’s take a look about data recorded at developing countries such as Indonesia and India. Both of countries have a same big problem especially in malnutrition. The citizens, especially villagers have not enough nutrition and food because of their condition. The government is too focus to solve the others problem that rather not important. Let’s take a comparison, just 1.7% funds from APBN which used to military maintenances actually can be used to rehabilitation and provides foods for malnutrition villagers in 2778 villages in 5 years. Even that world’s military trade in 8 hours can be used to give nutrition and saving 5000 children in Africa that die by diarrhea every year. How cruel we are? It’s unbelievable. But, I still reminds to you, it’s the fact! This value shows how big the opportunity to relieves and make the whole world better that lost vainly. Once again, Value is a stability that influences to the result of a process. The good value will bring the good stability too. Values in diversity, values in togetherness, are a big way to reach the stability. Value is flexible thing that suitable depend on the situations and conditions. Value is an opportunity to reach the goal for each person. Value told us about the act or real things that we should do or get. So, it’s not about the cost. It’s not about the obstacles. It’s our value, how big I am to pass through the challenges. When the awareness is stick tightly on people’s minds, it’s not hard to make a change. It’s easy to make the crisis time to be a stabile situation. We have to hope, we can dream as high as we can. Real action is the answer, and prosperity is the result. Believe.

Malang, 5th of September 2011

Pangestu Soekarno Utomo


Sunday, November 6, 2011


oke, sebelum memulai semua ini, marilah gua sedikit berbagi tentang asal usul kehidupan gua. Gua lahir di Surakarta, 27 Agustus 1996, sebagai anak terakhir dari 4 bersaudara. Gua bersyukur banget punya nama yang indah, Pangestu Soekarno Utomo - Seorang pemuda ambisius penuh dengan cita - cita dan mimpi. Gua nggak nyangka bisa duduk disini. memainkan jari sembari bercakap - cakap dengan inspirasi yang selalu menemani gua kapanpun dan dimanapun. oke, back to the theme, Sebenernya keluarga gua nggak bisa dikatakan "berada" bahkan, kalo emang gua boleh jujur, sebenarnya gua bisa dikatakan berasal dari "golongan tak mampu". gua tau kondisi kayak gini emang nyesekkin, so, gua tentu berjuang, mulai dari kehidupan pribadi gua, untuk mengangkat nama keluargaku di masa depan. gua kepengen bisa ngebanggain ortu dengan segala sesuatu yang gua capai. Dan, sekali lagi, gua bersyukur banget uda bisa diterima di Sampoerna Academy dengan program beasiswa 3 tahun full. Asyik ya? tapi ini butuh perjuangan yang berat, nggak semudah yang setiap orang pikirkan. Gua tau beban berat yang ada di pundak gua ketika harus menyandang nama "Sampoerna Academy's Student", dimana bisa dibilang bahwa 150 anak yang diterima disini, dari seluruh Jawa Timur, menyandang nama dan predikat kota terdahulunya. Loh? Surakarta kan Jawa Tengah, kok gua bisa masuk sini ya? Mungkin itu terbesit di benak temen temen gua. Sebenarnya sih gua emang orang solo asli. Tapi selama masa SD kelas 6 sampe SMP udah gua habisin di Kota kecil, Magetan. Yap. Kota pegunungan paling barat di Jawa Timur.

day - noted. 1st

well, nggak kebayang, akhirnya gua ngecoba buat ngepost daily blog. emang sih, banyak yang bilang ngeblog itu nyenengin hati. entah apa kata orang nanti, gua cuma berharap aktivitas ini terus berlanjut. biarin aja mengalir. Entah kalo mungkin gua dibilang pengen sok keren atau apa, it's okay. entah, ini postingan pertama gue tentang hari - hari yang gua alamin di Sampoerna Academy Malang. Gua kudu berjuang. Keep spirit ! :)

Friday, May 6, 2011


Justin Bieber full name is Justin Drew Bieber
He was born March 1st, 1994 (17 years old).
His nicknames: J-Beebs, Justin, JB, Biebs, Bieber, Beebs
His mother name is Pattie Mallette
His father name is Jeremy Bieber
His dad plays guitar, and his mom sings.
His grandma was a great piano player.
His Dad remarried.
He is very protective for her lil sister.
He wanted to buy a house for his mom when he has $1,000,000.
He is not into blink-blink.
He started dating when he was 13.
His first kiss was when he was 13.
His favorite TV show is smallville.
his favorite video game is nba 2k.
His favorite colors are blue and purple
His favorite food is spaghetti
He speaks fluent French
He is claustrophobic – fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces, eg: closet, elevators ;)
He prefers Macs over PCs
His favorite number is 6
His favorite music is R&B and Pop
His favorite artists; Usher, Michael Jackson, BoysIImen, Stevie Wonder.
His celebrity crush is Beyonce.
He likes vitamin water
His favorite drink is orange juice
He has a half sister named Jazmine/jazzy & brother names jaxon
He is a lefty
He can play trumpet, guitar, piano, and drums
He likes captain crunch (with berries)
He can count to ten in German
He once asked out Rihanna and Alexa Chung (got rejected) :(
His two best friends are Ryan butler and Chaz Somers
He once dated Caitlin Beadles (Christians Beadles sister)
His shoe size is 7 and a half
He likes sporty, active, nice, down to earth girls.
He likes sour patch kids
His most embarrassing moment is when he broke his foot on stage during a song (he stayed and finished the song, didn’t even miss a note! so proud :) ))
He grew up in Canada (Stratford Ontario)
He is signed by Usher. Justin Timberlake was reportedly in the running to sign Bieber.
His label is Island def jam.
He likes playing soccer.
His favorite slang word is “shawty”
He likes tacos
His favorite pie is apple
He likes to skateboard and is good at it
He loves Tim Hortons (very Canadian)
His best friends – Ryan butler & Chaz Somers
He likes a good smile
His first CD came out in Novemeber 17th 2009
He got his first plaque at YTV’s The Next Star at Canadas wonderland :)
He would date anyone he falls in love with.
He is pals with Taylor Swift
He plays four instruments; guitar, piano, drums and trumpet
He raised 150,000 lbs of food for food Bank, with the help of his fans.
He loves his fans!

Link Lagu N Video tentang JB

Dear for Beliebers..
I know you're so exciting with JB so I'll give you some information about him.

Link Download :
I think that's all that i know...
If there are recent song, i'll tell you more. Okay? :)
Life Beliebers !

Climate change panel: renewable energy to be key

DOHA, Qatar – The world's top scientific body concluded that renewable energy in the coming decades will be widespread and could one day represent the dominant source for powering factories and lighting homes, according to a draft report obtained by The Associated Press Thursday.
But the report also warned that such expansion will be costly and policy changes will have to be enacted to ensure that renewable energy can achieve its potential in helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
It called for better balancing competing demands for land, addressing "institutional barriers" that prevent the installation of solar energy as well as overcoming the constraints to transmitting renewable energy to users.
The four-day meeting of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which began Thursday in Abu Dhabi was largely bullish on replacing fossil fuels.
"It is likely that renewable energy will have a significantly larger role in the global energy system in the future than today," said the report. "The scenarios indicate that even without efforts to address climate change, renewable energy can be expected to expand."
A spokesman for the IPCC refused to comment on the report, saying it was still subject to several days of negotiations.
The report found that renewable energy — including solar, hydro, wind, biomass, geothermal and ocean energy — represented only about 13 percent of the primary energy supply in 2008. But its growth is picking up with almost half of new electricity generating capacity coming from renewables in 2008 and 2009.
That growth will continue through 2050 with 164 different scenarios predicting the use of renewables significantly increasing as the world shifts to a low-carbon economy.
The most ambitious projected it will represent 77 percent of global energy sources in 2050.
Commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions coupled with cheaper technology for renewable energies will spur their growth, especially as the increasing shortages of oil and other fossil fuels raises those costs.
But the report made clear there are plenty of challenges that could hamper the growth of renewables as they still need to be better integrated into existing energy supply systems.
Policies also need to be changed to attract massive investment to build the infrastructure and spur the technology innovations needed that make renewables more affordable and dependable.
And despite its rosy predictions for renewable use, at least one environmental group observing the talks say the report falls short of their expectations.
"IPCC delivers a landmark report that shows the rapid growth potential for renewable energy — but unfortunately does not endorse a 100 percent renewable energy pathway until 2050," said Stephan Singer, director for Global Energy Policy at WWF International.
"We need to be fast if we want to tackle pressing issues as varied as energy security and efficiency, and at the same time keep climate change below the danger threshold," he added.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Manchester Sukses Taklukkan Royal Blues !

Manchester- Kejutan Schalke 04 akhirnya berakhir pada dini hari tadi setelah the royal blues dibantai oleh MU 4-1 pada leg ke 2 semifinal Liga Champion di Old Traford. MU sukses melangkah ke Wembley dan akan bertarung dengan Barcelona untuk memperebutkan juara Liga Champion. Data dan statistik lengkapnya bisa anda click disini.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Barca Lolos El Real Merana

Hasil terkini liga champion yang baru saja selesai beberapa jam yang lalu yakni pertandingan antara Barcelona dan Real Madrid dalam memperebutkan tiket final ke stadion Wembley Juni nanti. Kedua tim berbagi skor 1-1. Hasil ini tentu meloloskan Barcelona karena pada leg pertama di Santiago Armada El Barca mampu mempermalukan tuan rumah Real Madrid dengan skor 2-0. Perincian hasil pertandingan dapat anda lihat disini

Fionna Fung Her Hits was so beautiful !

Fionna Fung that was sang the song " Proud of You " which amazed many people with the mean of the song.
It's tell us about persistence and hardworking to gets our dream.
Let me give you the lyrics of the song and you can download it in this link click here !!!

Love in your eyes
Sitting silent by my side
Going on Holding hand
Walking through the nights
Hold me up Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind
I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Stars in the sky
Wishing once upon a time
Give me love Make me smile
Till the end of life
Hold me up Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind
I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Can't you believe that you light up my way
No matter how that ease my path
I'll never lose my faith
See me fly
I'm proud to fly up high
Show you the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm singing in the sky
Show you the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Nothing can stop me
Spread my wings so wide

awas bahaya mandi air panas !


awas bahaya mandi air panas !


cheat terbaru suka-suka PB

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